Fully Accredited Program Certified Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

According to a recent analysis, over 80-90% of the world's data is unstructured, and a significant portion of this data is in the form of text. This unexplored trove of information holds valuable insights that can revolutionize research and data analysis across various disciplines. However, the sheer volume, complexity, and diversity of textual data make it incredibly challenging for researchers to manually analyze and derive meaningful conclusions.

This certified program is designed to elevate your skills and proficiency in employing state-of-the-art text mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to help you rapidly transform unstructured text data into structured, machine-readable formats. Throughout this program, you will immerse yourself in an array of critical topics, including foundational theories of text mining, linguistic pattern recognition, sentiment analysis, NLP algorithms, machine learning techniques, and innovative data extraction methodologies using Python.

This program will also show you how to analyze textual data, decipher complex linguistic structures, and construct robust models that will handle natural language processing challenges. Through real world case studies and applications, you will be able to identify and extract valuable insights from vast and varied text data, design effective strategies for information retrieval, and develop solutions that address specific linguistic and semantic issues.

Additionally, you will explore deep learning concepts such as Recurring Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs), Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, including real-world applications. By the end of the program, you will attain holistic expertise in translating text insights into data-driven decisions. This ability to extract insights from unstructured text at scale provides a competitive advantage.

Upon successfully completing the program, you will be awarded the Certification in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This certification will augment your professional credentials, underscore your expertise in text mining and NLP and your ability to conduct thorough, insightful linguistic analysis. With global recognition and lifelong validity, this certification will serve as an ongoing testament to your commitment and proficiency in the dynamic and ever-important field of text mining and natural language processing.

4.6 (936 Professional Learners) 1

1 Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications' reviews and ratings are a comprehensive collection of participants feedback we have gathered over the last decade. To view authentic and personal testimonials that are handwritten by our participants, please download our participants' written reviews here.

This program will entitle you:

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  • Over 10 hours of powerful course content on text mining and NLP concepts, that will enable you to master techniques to extract insights from unstructured text data and drive business decisions.
  • Learn to apply machine learning techniques in text analytics and NLP contexts.
  • Attain a recognized certification that will demonstrate your expertise and proficiency in the field of text mining and NLP.
  • Full lifetime access
  • For inquiries, chat with our Program Advisers at advisor@charteredcertifications.com or call us at
    • Singapore and Asia Pacific: +65 6716 9980
    • Australia and New Zealand: +61 3 9909 7310
    • UK, Europe and Middle East: +44 (020) 335 57898
    • USA: +1 888 745 8875

7 days money back guarantee



This Certification in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a mark of distinction that signifies a fully qualified expert in conducting complex research analysis while applying sophisticated text mining methods and NLP concepts to unlock impactful insights. It is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications, which maintains the governing standards for all members. The certification is governed and maintained by Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications with over 90,000 members around the world. It is also endorsed by prominent associations and organizations worldwide.

The content of this program has been fully certified by CPD as adhering to Continuing Professional Principles.

What Can You Expect From This Certified Program

With the exponential growth of digital content, there is an urgent need to extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of unstructured text data. According to IBM, 80% of all data is unstructured text. Text mining and natural language processing will allow data scientists and researchers to extract insights from huge amounts of text data. From gauging customer sentiment to predicting economic trends, text mining and natural language processing (NLP) have become indispensable in streamlining decisions and strategy.

This certified program will equip you with an in-depth expertise in leveraging text mining and NLP techniques to transform textual data into strategic business assets. Combining theoretical concepts with hands-on applications, you will learn how to rapidly transform unstructured text data into structured formats and analyze them. Participants will master essential skills including preprocessing text data, applying advanced machine learning algorithms, building predictive models, and interpreting and evaluating results.

Throughout the program, you will also gain first-hand experience carrying out common NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis, topic modeling, document summarization, named entity recognition, intent detection, and more. Participants will further learn best practices for building robust pipelines, tuning hyperparameters, and assessing model performance.

With guidance from industry experts, participants will also tackle real-world challenges in analyzing large-scale datasets across diverse domains using Python. Additionally, you will explore deep learning concepts such as Recurring Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTMs), Large Language Models (LLMs) and transformers to solve complex business challenges.

Upon successfully completing the program, you will be awarded the Certification in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This certification will augment your professional credentials, underscore your expertise in text mining and NLP and your ability to conduct thorough, insightful linguistic analysis. With global recognition and lifelong validity, this certification will serve as an ongoing testament to your commitment and proficiency in the dynamic and ever-important field of text mining and natural language processing.

Key Skills You Will Gain

  • Text Mining
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Python Programming
  • Text Preprocessing
  • Text Feature Extraction and Representation
  • Statistical Text Mining Techniques
  • Topic Modelling
  • Term Frequency (TF)
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
  • Textual Data Visualization
  • Bag of Words (BoW)
  • Deep Learning
  • Machine Learning Models
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Transformers
  • Sequence to Sequence Models
  • Large Language Models (LLMs) and Tools
  • SHAP Values
  • Data Sampling
  • Data Correlation
  • Research Philosophy
  • Data Analysis
  • Regression Model
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Data Modelling
  • Model Selection and Evaluation Strategies
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Identifying Data Trends
  • Research Design
  • Research Formulation

Your Faculty Director

Michael Wang, CFA
Michael Wang, CFA
LinkedIn Top Voice - AI & Deep Learning Expert

Michael Wang, CFA, stands at the forefront of the data science and artificial intelligence landscape. As a recognized LinkedIn Top Voice in AI & Deep Learning, Michael brings over a decade of diverse experience spanning institutional investing, consulting, hedge funds, fintech, and data science. His expertise in predictive analytics, financial time series, deep learning, NLP, and data visualization is widely acknowledged. Michael has imparted his knowledge in AI as a lecturer at the University of Sydney and currently spearheads a data science team at a leading tech company.

His insights extend beyond the professional sphere; he writes for the largest data science publication on Medium and features regularly as a top writer in AI, Technology and Business. Michael's multifaceted career demonstrates a blend of technical proficiency and thought leadership in the evolving world of AI and data science.

Certified Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) Program Agenda

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54 Lectures

11 hours 11 minutes

Module 1 - Introduction to Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Module 2 - Text Pre-Processing
Module 3 - Feature Extraction
Module 4 - Machine Learning with NLP
Module 5 - Unsupervised Learning
Module 6 - Advanced Language Processing with NLP Techniques
Module 7 - Deep Learning
Module 8 - Architectures Within Deep Learning
Module 9 - Large Language Models
Module 10 - Evaluation and Interpretation of NLP Models and Techniques
Final Exam

Chartered Exam

At the end of the program, there will be an exam comprised of 50 multiple choice questions. Upon passing the exam, you will be accredited with a Certification in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Research Analysis.

  • 98% of students who have taken this exam have passed the exam successfully. Almost all professionals who have taken our courses have passed this exam and attain their certification.
  • The exam has 50 multiple choice questions and you need to answer 25 out of 50 questions correctly to pass the exam.
  • You can re-take the exam online as many times as you want, with no additional charges for retaking of exams.
  • The program cost already includes the exam fees, so there are no additional charges for taking the exam.

If you have challenges passing the exam, you can secure assistance from our team and faculty leader to help you pass the exam.

Certification in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Upon completing the program and passing the exam, you will receive the prestigious Certification in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This distinguished certification will establish you as a recognized expert in applying effective text mining and NLP techniques for research analysis. It not only elevates your professional credibility but also enhances your marketability to potential employers or clients, making you stand out as a highly skilled and knowledgeable research analyst.

Developed by the esteemed Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications, the certification is a highly regarded industry-recognized certificate that signifies excellence in the area of robust research analysis. In addition, the program content has been independently accredited and certified by CPD, ensuring that it meets the highest standards in continuing professional development.

Program Pricing

On Demand Learning

USD 490

  • Lifetime access to high-quality self-paced eLearning content curated by industry experts
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support
  • Attain your Certificate in Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) that you can use across your professional credentials.
  • Demonstrate your professional expertise in research analysis through powerful text mining and NLP techniques.
  • Over 10 hours of powerful course content on text mining and NLP transforming your research insights to informed data driven decisions.
  • Hand-on activities and 5 powerful case examples to master effective text mining and NLP techniques.
  • Full lifetime access
Register Now

Corporate Training

Customized To Your Needs

  • If you have more than 30 participants from your organizations, you can contact us to host a program customized to your training needs through a blended learning or physical classroom model
  • By customizing your program, the faculty leader can tailor the content that is specific to your needs

Prior to the commencement of the bespoke program, we will schedule conference calls to identify your training needs and map out the sessions most relevant to your organization.

Contact Us

Download Brochure

You can download our program brochure below. If you have any inquiries on this program, please contact our Program Advisor at advisor@charteredcertifications.com or call us at:

  • Singapore and Asia Pacific: +65 6716 9980
  • Australia and New Zealand: +61 3 9909 7310
  • UK, Europe and Middle East: +44 (020) 335 57898
  • USA: +1 888 745 8875

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100% Money Back Guarantee

We value the trust of our customers immensely. But, if you feel that this Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) program does not meet your expectations, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Just send us a refund request via email within 7 days of purchase and we will refund 100% of your payment, no questions asked!

Certified Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP) Reviews and Testimonials

The program exceeded my expectations. The trainer's depth of knowledge and the well-structured curriculum made learning text mining and NLP a seamless journey. I now feel confident in applying these techniques to real-world data science challenges.
I highly recommend the Certified Text Mining and NLP program to any data scientist looking to upskill. The trainer's approach, combined with hands-on exercises, fostered a dynamic learning environment. I'm now better equipped to tackle the complexities of working with textual data.
The program provided a holistic understanding of text mining and NLP, thanks to the knowledgeable and engaging trainer. The practical applications shared during the sessions were invaluable. I can confidently say that this program has elevated my expertise in the field.
Kudos to the trainer for a job well done! The Certified Text Mining and NLP program was a game-changer for me. The trainer's ability to simplify complex concepts and provide real-world examples made the learning experience both effective and enjoyable.

Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications' reviews and ratings are a comprehensive collection of participants feedback we have gathered over the last decade. To view authentic and personal testimonials that are handwritten by our participants, please download our participants' written reviews here.

Convincing Your Boss To Attend This Program

Securing approval from your boss to attend this program can be difficult if you don’t know what to say. So we’ve prepared a template for you! All you need to do is to download this template, copy and paste in email and send it to your boss!

Download the Template Here

Certified Text Mining and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

4.6 (936 ratings)