Fully Accredited Program Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are no longer buzzwords, they have emerged as strategic necessities for companies to outperform in today's global and multicultural business environment. According to McKinsey’s recent research, companies that prioritize DEI outstrip their peers in financial performance by over 40%, becoming hothouses of innovation and creativity. In addition, these companies that embrace DEI also witness a significant uplift in employee satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. This heightened engagement acts as a powerful catalyst, propelling productivity and performance in these organizations to unprecedented levels.

This Certified Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) program is designed to empower you to thrive in the evolving landscape of workplace diversity and inclusion. By combining theory with real-world case studies, this comprehensive course will provide you with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage and promote DEI within your organization. The course covers a broad range of key topics, including DEI strategy development, legal framework and compliance, unconscious bias, and intersectionality, offering a holistic understanding of DEI management.

During the program, you will learn to develop and implement comprehensive DEI strategies, foster an inclusive organizational culture, and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations. You'll gain proficiency in identifying and mitigating unconscious bias, creating inclusive recruitment and retention strategies, and integrating DEI principles into employee training and development. Moreover, the program will help you understand and address intersectionality within DEI initiatives, consider global perspectives in DEI, and leverage technology to advance your DEI strategies.

Upon completing the program and passing the Chartered exam, participants will attain the prestigious Certified Global Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) designation. This respected credential in the HR industry is known for its comprehensive exploration of DEI principles and practices and is highly valued by employers across the globe. As a CDEI™ certificate holder, you will possess the skills and knowledge to drive DEI initiatives and create a more inclusive and equitable workplace. The CDEI™ designation will enhance your credibility and reputation in the HR field, potentially paving the way for new career advancement opportunities.

4.6 (936 Professional Learners) 1

1 Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications' reviews and ratings are a comprehensive collection of participants feedback we have gathered over the last decade. To view authentic and personal testimonials that are handwritten by our participants, please download our participants' written reviews here.

This program will entitle you:

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  • Over 10 hours of comprehensive course content designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding and heightened awareness of the impact of DEI on an organization's success.
  • Certified Recognition: Upon successful completion of the program, attendees will earn the CDEI™ designation, a globally recognized certification that highlights their competence in driving DEI initiatives in the workplace. This can boost their professional credibility and open up new career advancement opportunities.
  • Full lifetime access
  • For inquiries, chat with our Program Advisers at advisor@charteredcertifications.com or call us at
    • Singapore and Asia Pacific: +65 6716 9980
    • Australia and New Zealand: +61 3 9909 7310
    • UK, Europe and Middle East: +44 (020) 335 57898
    • USA: +1 888 745 8875

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This Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) program is a mark of distinction that signifies a fully qualified HR professional with the ability to build DEI strategies in the workplace. It is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications, which maintains the governing standards for all members. The CDEI™ charter is a trademarked charter available only to professionals who have completed and passed this program. The certification is governed and maintained by Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications with over 90,000 members around the world. It is also endorsed by prominent associations and organizations worldwide.

The content of this program has been fully certified and accredited by CPD as adhering to the highest standards of Continuing Professional Principles.

What Can You Expect From This Certified Program

Companies which champion DEI initiatives do not just marginally outperform their less diverse counterparts. Instead, they surge ahead, outpacing their competitors in financial performance by a substantial 40%. In addition, according to a recent Deloitte study, 83% of employees were found to be actively engaged in organizations that foster an inclusive culture, compared to only 60% in non-inclusive environments as individuals feel more valued, respected, and have equal access to opportunities and resources in the workplace, regardless of their backgrounds or identities.

This Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) program will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the impact of DEI on employee motivation, engagement, and performance, as well as strategies to leverage diversity for fostering creativity and innovation. You will gain expertise in integrating technology to enhance DEI efforts and informed decision-making in the workplace. The program emphasizes equipping you with the skills to measure and report progress toward DEI objectives, fostering accountability within the organization.

By mastering the essential tools and techniques of HR, participants will develop the crucial skills for inclusive leadership and cultivating a workplace culture that values diversity and inclusivity. Furthermore, the program underscores the significance of communication and interpersonal skills in achieving effective cross-cultural communication and collaboration. It also delves into conflict resolution skills that enable the successful resolution of diversity, equity, and inclusion-related tensions, drawing inspiration from leading companies. Lastly, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of cultural awareness skills, encompassing diverse styles, cultures, and perspectives, along with guidance on navigating cultural differences in the workplace.

Upon completing the program and passing the Chartered exam, you will have earned the Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) designation that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to implement initiatives and to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace. This highly-regarded CDEI™ certification will enhance your professional credentials and opens up new opportunities for growth and advancement in the field of human resources.

Globally demanded and recognized, this designation has lifelong validity and the content of this program has also been independently accredited by CPD as adhering to the highest standards of continuing professional development.

Key Skills You Will Gain

  • DEI Initiatives
  • Employee Relations
  • Employee Engagement
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Confronting Bias
  • Diversity Strategy
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Building Allyship
  • Recognizing Microaggressions
  • Constructive Dialogue
  • Building Inclusive Culture
  • Recruiting Inclusively
  • Unconscious Bias
  • DEI Integration
  • DEI Legal Compliance
  • Fair & Inclusive Recruitment & Retention
  • Bias Identification
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Inclusive Leadership
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • DEI Performance Measurement
  • HR DEI Policy Development
  • Ethical Decision-Making
  • Diversity Advocacy
  • Cross-Cultural Management
  • Diversity Metrics
  • Organizational Culture Assessment
  • Pay Equity Analysis

Your Faculty Director

Soumya Singh
Soumya Singh
Highly Accomplished Global HR and DEI Strategist

Soumya is a highly accomplished and versatile people leader with a wealth of experience in leadership and management roles across renowned organizations in the UK. She is currently serving as the Deputy Director of People at Smart Energy GB, the UK's national campaign for smart meter roll-out, where she holds a pivotal position within the senior leadership team.

Soumya also serves as a visiting faculty member at Kingston Business School, where she imparts her knowledge and expertise in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour to postgraduate and undergraduate students. She has also conducted sessions internationally, including at Ranepa University in Moscow and various business schools in India, bringing valuable industry insights and practical applications to professional qualification programs. Through these positions, Soumya is actively involved in championing diversity, inclusion, and the eradication of unconscious bias and stereotypes. Her commitment to these principles, coupled with her drive to remove barriers and create inclusive environments, allows individuals to thrive in their chosen careers and contribute their best to the organizations they serve.

Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) Program Agenda

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43 Lectures

10 hours 43 minutes

Module 1: Introduction To Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Module 2: How Does DEI Drive Better Business Performance
Module 3: Common DEI Challenges In The Workplace And Their Impact
Module 4: Developing The DEI Strategy
Module 5: Implementing Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives
Module 6: Understanding Unconscious Bias
Module 7: Talent Management For DEI
Module 8: Building Inclusive Cultures
Module 9: Measuring Success Of DEI Initiatives
Module 10: The Intersection Of DEI And Technology

Chartered Exam

At the end of the program, there will be a Chartered exam comprised of 50 multiple choice questions. Upon passing the exam, you will be accredited with your Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) designation.

  • 98% of students who have taken this exam have passed the exam successfully. Almost all professionals who have taken our courses have passed this exam and attain their Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) designation
  • The exam has 50 multiple choice questions and you need to answer 25 out of 50 questions correctly to pass the exam
  • You can re-take the exam online as many times as you want, with no additional charges for retaking of exams
  • The program cost already includes the exam fees, so there are no additional charges for taking the exam

If you have challenges passing the exam, you can secure assistance from our team and faculty leader to help you pass the exam.

Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) Designation

Upon completing the Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) program and passing the Chartered exam, you will receive the prestigious CDEI™ designation, which is a globally recognized trademark and industry-recognized with lifelong validity. This designation will help you distinguish yourself as an HR expert who possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to emerge as a leader in advocating for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

This industry-recognized trademarked charter is developed by the Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications, an industry leader in professional certifications. This program's content has been independently accredited and certified by CPD, ensuring that it adheres to the highest standards of continuing professional development standards. This designation will enhance your credibility and marketability to potential employers or clients, making you stand out as a highly skilled and knowledgeable HR professional.

Program Pricing

On Demand Learning

USD 490

  • Lifetime access to high-quality self-paced eLearning content curated by industry experts
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support
  • Attain your Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) designation that you can use across your professional credentials
  • The CDEI™ designation will demonstrate your professional expertise in building DEI strategies in your workplace by evaluating the status of DEI in your workplace, identify gaps and design effective DEI action plans.
  • Over 10 hours of comprehensive course content on comprehensive understanding and heightened awareness of the impact of DEI on an organization's success
  • 5 impactful global case studies and best practices in driving and fostering a positive culture within the organization
  • Full lifetime access
Register Now

Corporate Training

Customized To Your Needs

  • If you have more than 30 participants from your organizations, you can contact us to host a program customized to your training needs through a blended learning or physical classroom model
  • By customizing your program, the faculty leader can tailor the content that is specific to your needs
  • Prior to the commencement of the bespoke program, we will schedule conference calls to identify your training needs and map out the sessions most relevant to your organization
Contact Us

Download Brochure

You can download our program brochure below. If you have any inquiries on this program, please contact our Program Advisor at advisor@charteredcertifications.com or call us at:

  • Singapore and Asia Pacific: +65 6716 9980
  • Australia and New Zealand: +61 3 9909 7310
  • UK, Europe and Middle East: +44 (020) 335 57898
  • USA: +1 888 745 8875

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100% Money Back Guarantee

We value the trust of our customers immensely. But, if you feel that this Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™) program does not meet your expectations, we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee. Just send us a refund request via email within 7 days of purchase and we will refund 100% of your payment, no questions asked!

Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI) Reviews and Testimonials

The CDEI program was a transformative experience for me. The instructor's knowledge and expertise in diversity, equity, and inclusion allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of these important concepts. I am now equipped with practical tools and strategies that I can apply in my HR role to promote a more inclusive work environment.
I highly recommend the Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager program to anyone looking to enhance their skills in this field. The instructor's passion and commitment were evident throughout the course, making the learning experience engaging and thought-provoking. I am grateful for the knowledge I gained and the insights I obtained.
The CDEI program exceeded my expectations. The instructor's expertise in diversity and inclusion was truly impressive, and they provided us with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The program's content was well-structured and thoughtfully delivered, enabling me to enhance my HR management skills and foster an inclusive workplace environment.
The CDEI program was a valuable investment in my professional development. The instructor's expertise and guidance helped me navigate the complexities of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the HR realm. I now feel more confident in my ability to create inclusive policies and foster a sense of belonging among our employees.

Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications' reviews and ratings are a comprehensive collection of participants feedback we have gathered over the last decade. To view authentic and personal testimonials that are handwritten by our participants, please download our participants' written reviews here.

Convincing Your Boss to Attend This Program

Securing approval from your boss to attend this program can be difficult if you don’t know what to say. So we’ve prepared a template for you! All you need to do is to download this template, copy and paste in email and send it to your boss!

Download the Template Here

Certified Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion HR Manager (CDEI™)

4.6 (936 ratings)