Fully Accredited Program EU Labour Laws, Employment Legislations and Directives

The EU has over 70 directives related to labour law, covering a wide range of topics such as working time, part-time work, and employee consultation. This complexity makes it challenging for employers to understand and comply with all relevant regulations. In addition, while EU directives set minimum standards, member states can introduce additional requirements. In 2019, 60% of EU countries had national labour laws that exceeded EU minimum standards, creating a patchwork of regulations that can be challenging for HR leaders to comply with.

This certified program will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic labour laws, employment legislations, and directives in the European Union. You will learn about the key principles and objectives of EU labour law, as well as the specific directives and regulations covering areas such as working time, part-time work, fixed-term contracts, temporary agency work, and employee consultation. This program will also highlight the differences between EU Directives and individual EU member’s labour laws, and helping you understand the complex interplay between EU directives and national country labour laws.

Throughout the program, you will learn how to develop and implement HR policies and procedures that are aligned with the relevant EU and national laws including laws governing dismissals, redundancies, and restructurings. You will also learn how to apply EU law to hiring and restructuring, data protection, diversity and recruitment, gender pay gap and handle disciplinary and grievance procedures in line with the relevant legislation. Moreover, you will gain insights into cross-border employment issues, strategies for compliance with directives, and effective handling of labour disputes.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will attain the Certification in EU Employment Laws. This prestigious certification will validate your expertise in navigating the complex landscape of EU labour law and your ability to develop and implement compliant HR strategies. Recognized throughout the European Union and beyond, this certification demonstrates your commitment to professional excellence and your capacity to add value to any organization operating within the EU.

4.6 (936 Professional Learners) 1

1 Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications' reviews and ratings are a comprehensive collection of participants feedback we have gathered over the last decade. To view authentic and personal testimonials that are handwritten by our participants, please download our participants' written reviews here.

This program will entitle you:

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  • Experience 2 days of instructor-led live program and gain a comprehensive overview of the key legislations and regulations that governs the complex interplay between EU directives and national labour laws across member states.
  • Learn to develop and implement HR policies and procedures aligned with relevant EU and national laws.
  • Master the application of EU law to hiring, restructuring, data protection, diversity, and gender pay gap.
  • Gain the Certification in EU Employment Laws, validating your comprehensive knowledge of EU's employment legal framework, including handling of cross border employment disputes, and implementing compliant HR strategies. This certification will enhance your professional expertise and credentials in EU labour regulations.
  • For inquiries, chat with our Program Advisers at advisor@charteredcertifications.com or call us at
    • Singapore and Asia Pacific: +65 6716 9980
    • Australia and New Zealand: +61 3 9909 7310
    • UK, Europe and Middle East: +44 (020) 335 57898
    • USA: +1 888 745 8875



This program is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications, which maintains the governing standards for all professionals who have completed this program.

The content of this program has been fully certified and accredited by CPD Certification Service as conforming to Continuing Professional Principles. CPD is the leading independent CPD accreditation institution operating across industry sectors to complement the Continuing Professional Development policies of professional institutes and academic bodies. The CPD Certification Service provides support, advice and recognized independent CPD accreditation compatible with global CPD principles.

What Can You Expect From This Live Program

Employment laws in the European Union (EU) are complex. With a complex interplay of EU directives and national EU state member regulations, this multi-layered system can create overlapping or even conflicting rules, making it difficult for HR leaders to navigate the legal landscape. In addition, the EU has over 70 directives related to labour law, with an average of 5 new labour law directives introduced every year. These frequent changes make it difficult for HR leaders to stay compliant with the latest requirements.

This comprehensive certification program is designed to arm you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricate web of EU employment laws. Throughout the program, you will gain a deep understanding of the key principles, objectives, and specific directives that shape the EU labour law landscape, including crucial areas such as working time regulations, part-time and fixed-term contracts, temporary agency work, and employee consultation requirements.

Participants will explore the differences and interplay between EU directives and individual EU member national labour laws and learn about the specific directives covering various aspects of employment. You will learn how to develop HR policies and procedures that align with relevant EU and national laws, understand the legal requirements for dismissals, redundancies, and restructurings, and develop strategies for compliance with EU directives and national regulations.

Throughout the program, you will learn how to apply EU law to hiring practices and recruitment processes, manage cross-border employment issues within the EU, gain insights into diversity and inclusion regulations, including the gender pay gap, and learn how to handle disciplinary and grievance procedures in line with EU and national laws. This program will also cover the intricacies of handling labour disputes and litigation, providing you with an understanding of the mechanisms for resolving labour disputes within the EU, strategies for preventing and managing employment litigation, and knowledge of the relevant courts and tribunals for labour law matters.

Upon successful completion of the program, you will attain the Certification in EU Employment Laws. This certification serves as a testament to your expertise in navigating the complex landscape of EU labour law and your ability to develop and implement compliant HR strategies. The benefits of this certification are numerous, including recognition as a subject matter expert in EU employment laws, enhanced credibility and marketability within the HR profession, and improved ability to mitigate legal risks and ensure compliance for your organization.

Key Skills You Will Gain

  • EU Legal Frameworks
  • TUPE Application
  • Transfer Rights
  • Dismissal Processes
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Court Engagement
  • Cross-Border Issues
  • Dispute Alternatives
  • Safety Prioritization
  • Safety Framework
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Gig Economy
  • Brexit Adaptation
  • Data Privacy
  • European Convention on Human Rights
  • Cross-Border Recruitment
  • Anti-Discrimination Laws
  • Fair Dismissal Processes
  • Coordinating Social Security and Taxes
  • EU Directives Interpretation
  • Pay Transparency Governance
  • Posted Worker Regulation
  • Gender Equity
  • Directive on Transfer and Undertakings (TUPE)
  • Court Subsidiarity
  • Minimum Wage Compliance
  • Work-Life Balance Directive
  • Contract and Agency Laws
  • Employment Contracts
  • Occupational Safety and Health Framework

Your Faculty Director

Roger Kiska
Roger Kiska
Respected Solicitor Advocate in EU Labour Laws

Roger Kiska is a highly respected solicitor advocate for England and Wales and a Member of the Michigan State Bar, with a deep expertise in EU labour laws, employment legislations, and directives. He has dedicated his career to providing expert guidance to clients navigating the complex landscape of employment regulations across the European Union. With a keen understanding of the intricate interplay between EU directives and national labour laws, Roger helps organizations ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks in their employment practices. In addition to his advisory work, Roger has played a significant role in shaping labour law policies at the highest levels of government. His experience as an advisor to the Office of the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic showcases his ability to provide strategic legal insight that crosses boundaries and influences decision-making at the highest echelons of power.

EU Labour Laws, Employment Legislations, and Directives Program Agenda

Module 1 - The European Institutions
Module 2 - The Building Blocks of Learning EU Employment Law
Module 3 - Anti-Discrimination
Module 4 - Working Time Directive
Module 5 - Working Time Directive (Continued)
Module 6 - Employment Termination and Transfers
Module 7 - Employment Dispute Resolutions
Module 8 - Health and Safety
Module 9 - Developments in EU Policy
Module 10 - Applying EU Law to Hiring and Restructuring
Module 11 - Cross-Border Employment Issues
Module 12 - Equality and Equity in the Workforce
Module 13 - Employment Contracts and Working Conditions
Module 14 - Charter of Fundamental Rights
Module 15 - Conclusion

How You Will Benefit

  • Understand the EU Labour Law Framework: Acquire a deep knowledge of the extensive EU directives related to labour, including working time, part-time and fixed-term contracts, temporary agency work, and employee consultation.
  • Navigate Complex Legal Landscapes: Learn to manage the intricate interplay between EU directives and national laws across member states, helping to clarify overlapping or conflicting regulations.
  • Develop Compliant HR Policies: Gain skills to create and implement human resource policies and procedures that align with both EU and national laws, focusing on areas such as dismissals, redundancies, and restructurings.
  • Ensure Legal Compliance in Hiring and Recruitment: Understand how to apply EU labour laws to hiring practices and recruitment processes, ensuring compliance while addressing the gender pay gap and diversity regulations.
  • Handle Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures: Learn to manage disciplinary and grievance procedures in accordance with EU and national laws, ensuring fair and legal handling of such issues.
  • Master Cross-Border Employment Issues: Explore strategies to manage cross-border employment within the EU, focusing on compliance with diverse legal systems and effective handling of employment litigation.
  • Resolve Labour Disputes: Understand the mechanisms for resolving labour disputes within the EU, including knowledge of relevant courts and tribunals, and develop strategies to prevent and manage litigation.
  • Stay Updated with Frequent Legal Changes: Keep abreast of frequent updates and new directives in EU labour law, which average about 5 new directives annually, to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Enhance Compliance and Mitigation Strategies: Boost your capacity to mitigate legal risks and enhance compliance within your organization, ensuring adherence to the ever-evolving EU labour laws.

Certification in EU Employment Laws

Upon successfully attending this program, you will be awarded with the Certification in EU Employment Laws that can be used in your resume, CV and other professional credentials. This certification is industry-recognized with lifelong validity. Globally demanded and recognized, this designation will affirm your expertise in navigating the EU employment legislations and positions you as a key influencer capable of shaping future-proof, compliant, and socially responsible workplace environments across borders. This program is developed by Chartered Institute of Professional Certifications and the content of this program has been certified by CPD Certification Service as conforming to continuing professional principals

Pricing & Registration

Please select one of the locations:


Dates: 27 - 29 Nov 2024

Venue: Online Executive Program (via Zoom)

Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
10:00am - 5:30pm Central European Time (CET)

Early Bird Packages Regular Pricing
By 24 Sep 2024 By 05 Nov 2024 After 05 Nov 2024
EU Delegates EUR 1,695 EUR 1,895 EUR 1,995
UK Delegates GBP 1,495 GBP 1,695 GBP 1,795

Group Discount: 2nd participant get 10%, or register 3 participants and 4th participant get a complimentary seat (1 discount scheme applies)

Register Now

Download Brochure

You can download our program brochure below. If you have any inquiries on this program, please contact our Program Advisor at advisor@charteredcertifications.com or call us at:

  • Singapore and Asia Pacific: +65 6716 9980
  • Australia and New Zealand: +61 3 9909 7310
  • UK, Europe and Middle East: +44 (020) 335 57898
  • USA: +1 888 745 8875

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Convincing Your Boss To Attend This Program

Securing approval from your boss to attend this program can be difficult if you don’t know what to say. So we’ve prepared a template for you! All you need to do is to download this template, copy and paste in email and send it to your boss!

Download the Template Here

EU Labour Laws, Employment Legislations and Directives

4.6 (936 ratings)